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State Forums


In 1983 a group of students from Virginia approached U.S. Senator Paul Trible and his wife, Rosemary, with the idea of hosting a Virginia Student Leadership Forum, and they enthusiastically agreed. The gathering in Virginia marked the first of many state forums across the country. Like the national forum, state forums invite student leaders from college campuses to come together and dialogue about the leadership model of Jesus of Nazareth.

Revolworks Blog


We believe that all our writings are living documents. They will never be wholly complete. We are seeking to walk with Jesus and his teachings, day by day, and to learn from him. And by Jesus, we do not mean the Jesus of religions, but the Jesus who lived and taught in Palestine 2000 years ago.  We encourage readers to contemplate, critique and respond to our commentaries.






Video Gallery

We are all seeking to live good stories -- check out our video gallery for a few of those stories that have inspired us.

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