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The National Student Leadership Forum

The National Student Leadership Forum is a three-day annual event held in the fall that brings together a diverse group of university leaders from across the country. The program for the Forum is intentionally relational. Students will interact with fellow students, recent college graduates, young professionals and established adults from the political, business and social service sectors of society. Though the specifics of the Forum shift slightly from year to year, core activities include keynote addresses by political leaders, small group breakout sessions after larger meetings, panel discussions and more.

The 2015 National Student Leadership Forum will be held October 16- 18 at the Hyatt on Capitol Hill

Students are nominated by leaders on their campuses and communities (such as university presidents, deans, student organization directors, etc.) to participate. Once nominated, you will receive an email invitation that includes a password to the online application. If you would like to nominate someone to attend the Forum or you are interested in being nominated, please contact the Forum office.


The cost to attend the Forum is $475.  This is all inclusive of meals, hotel and transportation while you are in D.C. Should you need financial assistance, please contact our office to inquire about scholarship funds; we can also help you pursue funding and scholarship from your college or university.


Members of Congress, business leaders, religious leaders, and others passionate about the development of our nation’s future leaders host this event. These leaders encourage students and share personal insights regarding faith and values in our culture. The focus on faith and values centers on the leadership model of Jesus of Nazareth and the agenda is nondenominational.


*Past speakers have included Vice President Dan Quayle, Vice President Al Gore, former U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft, U.S. Senator Barack Obama, U.S. Senator Bill Nelson, U.S. Representative John Lewis, U.S. Representative Mike Doyle, former U.S. Senator Paul Trible, Ambassador Tony Hall, Chaplain Barry Black and Admiral Vern Clark.

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